Lotus Insight

How do you feel about AI?

After analyzing the survey responses, we grouped the feelings about AI into several broad categories.

  1. Positive feelings (excited, love it, helpful, useful, innovative):
  2. Negative feelings (scary, dangerous, job loss, lack of trust, dislike):
  3. Mixed feelings (both positive and negative aspects):
  4. Pie chart showing sentiment about AI

  5. Neutral or unsure (no strong feelings, need more information):
  6. Unrelated or unclear responses:

In Depth

Category 1: Positive feelings

  1. AI is helpful or useful
  2. AI is innovative or a technological advancement
  3. Love or excitement about AI
View Results as Lotus Chart

Category 2: Negative feelings

  1. AI is scary or dangerous
  2. Concern about job loss due to AI
  3. Lack of trust in AI
View Results as Lotus Chart

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